第一部分四大OPEN QUESTIONS情況簡(jiǎn)介KPMGKPMG的網(wǎng)站是四大里面做得最好的,內(nèi)容豐富,有中文版,網(wǎng)速飛快。KPMG網(wǎng)申的開(kāi)放式問(wèn)題有代表性,建議大家認(rèn)真寫(xiě)。寫(xiě)完一次之后,再申請(qǐng)后面三家就方便了1)Please gi...
四大OPEN QUESTIONS情況簡(jiǎn)介 KPMG KPMG的網(wǎng)站是四大里面做得最好的,內(nèi)容豐富,有中文版,網(wǎng)速飛快。 KPMG網(wǎng)申的開(kāi)放式問(wèn)題有代表性,建議大家認(rèn)真寫(xiě)。寫(xiě)完一次之后,再申請(qǐng)后面三家就方便了 1)Please give abrief summary of your current recreational and leisure activities, includingsports and hobbies. (熱身問(wèn)題) 2)What clubsand societies are you a member of and in what capacity? (團(tuán)隊(duì)合作經(jīng)歷的引子) 3)What factorshave influenced your career choice? (重要問(wèn)題,答案最好跟申請(qǐng)的工作有關(guān)) 4)Outline yourcareer ambitions and objectives. (重要問(wèn)題,“N年內(nèi)做經(jīng)理 + 我的CICPA考試計(jì)劃”) 5)Describe yourgreatest success or a situation where you exceeded your own expectations. (看性格,四大挺喜歡完美主義者的) PwC 1) Why are you applying for this position? (工作性質(zhì),職業(yè)生涯目標(biāo),公司聲望等) 2) Please explain how your personal qualities, skills, knowledge and workingexperience will help you to be successful in the position for which you areapplying. (關(guān)鍵問(wèn)題,見(jiàn)“準(zhǔn)備篇”) 3) What community or students’ clubs do you belong to and to what extent areyou involved? 4) Any additional information? (把KPMG其余的答案寫(xiě)上去吧:) EY 1)Pleasedescribe your career objective and what you have done to date to achieve it.(Maximum 100 English words) 2)Please includeany other information which you may consider relevant to your application.(Maximum 100 English words) 有了前兩家的經(jīng)驗(yàn),會(huì)寫(xiě)了吧。 DTT DTT的網(wǎng)申是無(wú)OPEN Q的,頁(yè)數(shù)也特別少,只有兩頁(yè)。但DTT的網(wǎng)站速度比較慢,所以如果宿舍的教育網(wǎng)不好用,大家就去辦個(gè)ADSL吧,在找工的過(guò)程中很有用。 DTT的網(wǎng)申篩選是北京中聘網(wǎng)做的,今年有點(diǎn)混亂,很多人不明不白就被刷下來(lái)了。后來(lái)有部分人去投訴,然后又進(jìn)了。 第一部分 四大OPEN QUESTIONS答案參考 1)Please give a brief summary of your current recreational and leisureactivities, including sports and hobbies. Mycurrent recreational and leisure activities are as follows: Reading: I am fond ofreading detective novels, thrillers (e.g. Alfred Hitchcock’s); Moviesand TV play series: I am a moviegoer and recently I saw Schindler’s List, whichis directed by Steven Spielberg. My favorite TV play series are Americansitcoms (e.g. Friends); Dancing:I am learning ballroom dance as an elective course; Sports:I always go jogging and rope skipping to keep fit; Drawing:I enjoy doodling and I’m very good at facsimile. You can find my graffito on mysketch paper or the blank places of my textbooks. 2)What clubs and societies are you a member of and in whatcapacity? I worked asa team player on the student team belonging to Market Research Section in Beijing New Oriental School last year (Jan. 2008-Sep.2008). New Oriental Education & Technology Group focuses on foreignlanguage education and training. The group was listed on the New York StockExchange on September 7, 2006, the first private education company to achievethis feat in China. Main goal ofour team: Collect and analyze useful data from activities of other educationand training companies and then transfer the data into information, which willmake considerable contribution to managers’ decisions. My dutiesand responsibilities: Collect data from activities of our competitors (e.g. NewChannel International Education Group Ltd.), including the number of students,the location of teaching building, the date of courses, new training projects,etc. Obtain the data and information by visiting their official website orconsulting directly through phone call. Input and save the data in Excel in anorganized way. Participate in lectures and campaigns held by our competitorsand record information such as date, place, lecturer and content in Word.Analyze merits and defects of these activities. Take part in meetings everyother week to discuss difficulties we met and bring up constructive measures tosolve these problems. Results andlearning: Last summer holiday I received an individual prize for excellentperformance of the last half year’s hard work. This experience cultivates mystrong team spirits and the ability to work well under pressure. 3)What factors have influenced your career choice? Subjective factors: 1)Personality: Cautious, patient, responsible; sensitive and accurate withnumbers; look at challenges as opportunities; a quick learner; 2) Ability:Good interpersonal skills, leadership potentials, strong team spirits, abilityto work well under pressure, ability to work efficiently and pay attention todetail; 3) Skills:Language Skill: Understand most articles in English, engage in an extendedconversation with English-speaking foreigners, write a report or essay thatcommunicates the desired messages; ComputerSkill: Collect and analyze data with Excel, confident with other MicrosoftOffice applications, email and the web; ProfessionalSkill: Attain the knowledge of accounting and financial management; analyze thefinancial reports basically; Objective factors: 1) Family:My father is a computer teacher and my mother is an engineer. They are bothintelligent. I am the only child so that I have to take the financial burdenand take care of them when they are old; 2)Educational background: My major is financial management and I have learnt acombination of courses in financial accounting, management accounting,Financial Management and Financial Statement Analysis. Other relevant coursesinclude Accounting Computerization, Assets Appraisal and Internal Control. 3) Socialbackground and economic trends: In the recent twelve years, China activelyparticipates in globalization, especially the economic globalization, which hasobviously affected the career choices of Chinese young people. 4)Outline your career ambitions andobjectives. Short-term objective: Be involved in adynamic and fast growing company, which provides me with great opportunities toimprove my skills and accumulate experiences; Mid-term objective: After the effortsand study for a couple of years, I could be a qualified professional such as anexcellent accountant or auditor, who can be a considerable leader striving forthe prosperity of the company; Long-term objective: Set up a companyof my own. To be the chairman as well as CFO; Besides, I have to attain professionalqualifications such as CPA, ACCA during the pursuit of my career ambitions. KPMG 2008 open questions解答示例 1、Please give abrief summary of your current recreational and leisure activities, includingsports and hobbies. My hobbies and interests are as follows: 1,Reading:I stay hunger for knowledge.I like reading BusinessWeek,The New YorkTimes and so on; 2,Dancing:I am full of passion and really enjoy Lunba; 3:Writting: I built up my Blog and kept my daily writting; 4,Sport: I am good at basketball and I participate in School Team as a keyplayer. 2、What clubs and societies are you a member of and in what capacity? Microsoft Technology Club Founder and Vice President Mar 2006-Mar 2007 -The largest local student-run organization registered in Microsoft -Operated as liaison between local chapter and national headquarters -Maintained daily operations while organizing weekly chapter events 3、What factorshave influenced your career choice? On the one hand, all the qualifications I have cultivated on campus, such asoutstanding English ability, demonstrated leadership and collaborationpotential, excellent interpersonal skill are the essential points to meet theneed of the job. On the other hand, arising from my interests to choose the functional job Ilike, I am sure I would play my talents and capacity as much as possible.Meanwhile, KPMG definitely will offer me a good training class and careercultivation to transform my potential to be professional. Though I am not professional, I have the enthusiasm and potentiality to beevolved in KPMG to cultivate myself to be a qualified staff.After the long-termefforts and study, I can be a considerable manager striving for the prosperityof the company. 4、Outline yourcareer ambitions and objectives. My short-term career objective is to be involved in a dynamic and fast growingcompany, which provides me with a great opportunity to permanently grow as muchas possible through the challenging work. Meanwhile, my long-term objective is continuously to be familiar with my joband grow with the development of the company. After the long-term efforts andstudy, I want to be a qualified professional, who can be a considerable managerstriving for the prosperity of the company. 5、Describe yourgreatest success or a situation where you exceeded your own expectations. PWC open questions 回答示例 1) Why are you applying for this position? 1點(diǎn)寫(xiě) 會(huì)計(jì)領(lǐng)域的忠誠(chéng)度 2點(diǎn)寫(xiě) PWC在會(huì)計(jì)領(lǐng)域里面哪方面最好,有突出貢獻(xiàn), 3點(diǎn)寫(xiě) 有個(gè)師姐在里面,聽(tīng)到很多奇聞異事,有興趣 4點(diǎn)寫(xiě) 自己曾經(jīng)過(guò)過(guò)一些會(huì)計(jì)數(shù)據(jù)方面知識(shí),加深了對(duì)于PWC了解 例一 PwC is one of the leading global professional service firm with goodreputation. I wish I could implement my acquired knowledge to the firm and continueexpansion and growth with PwC. The chances to access to different industiesattracts me too,In my opinion,it could bring me a brand new sight and make megrow and succeed in the career path. The audit and assurance services aims enhance the degree of confidence of theintended users,It not only beneficial to the shareholder,but also the wholeorganization and the society.The job fits my qualification,therefore, I applythe audit and assurance services in PwC and willing to be a valuable asset. 例二As it isuniversally accepted that accounting is the only language in commercial world,I suppose that it would be easier for me to grow to a professional manager froma fresh graduate and to be close to the core of the commercial world if Ichoose accountant as my first profession. After all, accounting is the commonvalue of industries, government, and individuals in modern society. Assurance is the longest established business in PwC and is also dynamic andfast growing, It will truly provide me with a great opportunity to work with adynamic group of well-trained professionals and I am so eager to develop mytalents and knowledge into this area. 2) Please explain how your personal qualities, skills, knowledge and workingexperience will help you to be successful in the position for which you areapplying(這個(gè)是關(guān)鍵問(wèn)題!!所以多給大家?guī)讉(gè)例子). ( via: unus.cn ) 例一 There’re 3 things in my life I excelled: English learning; badminton; painting. So I think it’s fair to say I’ve got everything you can expect from a Englishlearner (assiduity, brightness, communication skill, ability and eagerness tolearn), from an athlete (tough, competitive nature, ability to deal withpressure and to use strategy, reasoning and analyzing skill, strong connectionwith teammates) and from an artist (creativity, open mind and enthusiasm). More than that, all the experiences have helped shaping my way of doing thingswhich successfully applied on other activities I involved later in my life:Japanese learning; tennis; webmaster; being the chief editor of my schoolmonthly newsletter and of cause, doing well in my major courses. I can’t wait to apply all them on the job! I believe it’ll work. 例二 First,my academic background and professional qualifications are a good fit forthis position. International audit is my major while my outstanding grade is with the 5%ranking in department. I have passed 11 papers of ACCA without fail and CPA isin progress.A good command of both written and spoken English prepare me aqualified candidate. Second, I am a good team player and have great interpersonal skills. I workwell under pressure. When there is a deadline, I can focus on the task at handand structure my work schedule. and I am also an excellent communicator, Peopletrust me and come to me for advice. Third,I participate actively in social activities and internship in accountantoffices,trying to seize every opportunities to exercise my leadership andprofessional skills.Awareness of self-improvement is always in my mind.. 例三 Outstanding English Ability Being able to effectively communicate with people and motivate them Being capable of solving problems with spirit of innovation Believing in and embracing diversity and result oriented Durance and energetic, willing to leran and cooperate with others. Strong ability of learning and quick response 例四 On the one hand, all the qualifications I have cultivated on campus, such asoutstanding English ability, demonstrated leadership and collaborationpotential, excellent interpersonal skill are the essential points to meet theneed of the job. On the other hand, arising from my interests to choose the functional job Ilike, I am sure I would play my talents and capacity as much as possible.Meanwhile, Pwc definitely will offer me a good training class and careercultivation to transform my potential to be professional. Even if I am not the most excellent candidate,but I suppose that I am the most proper candidate. 3) What community or students’ clubs do youbelong to and to what extent are you involved? 同KPMG一問(wèn) ·I was the team leader of the school badminton team and won 3 championships ofChongqing collage badminton competition (both team and individual titles). ·I was a member of the Student Union propaganda section in my freshman year. ·I am a member of the University Animal Right Activist Group. 4) Any additional information? (把KPMG其余的答案寫(xiě)上去吧:) 例一 I am energic and innovative and develop myself in various aspects.I love sportand art,which give me a quality and balanced life. In my spare time,I like play tennis with my classmates, we co-operate to builda coherent team and compete with rivals under the rules. Drawing is my favorite past-time activity,with its accompaniment,my lifebecomes colorful and I recognize lots of friends,and throught my effort I gothonors and prizes in national contests. I acquired the driving licence(C)which beyond my expection.before that Ididin’t even touch the steering wheel.but I have the determination and thefaith to overcome all difficulties. 例二 ·I have co-held art exhibitions with young artist from Japan, Britain and theUSA. ·I am a member of the biggest voluntary TV series subtitling working group inChina(YDY),and have participated the translation of hot shows like “House MD”,“Eureka” and “CSI” ·I have scheduled my BEC advanced test, TOEIL, IELTS and Japanese Ability Testall at the year 2007, which may seem a little rush and intense. That’s becauseI never stop learning all these years and I want those tests to give me a bigcredit at the end of my collage time. (If I’m lucky enough to survive all theapplication process you could see the result.) ·I was nominated to be an exchange student to the USA at my sophomore and also junioryear, but both times failed in the final round of selection. That has taught memore than a lesson. ·I am the class clown. 寶潔OPENQUESTIONS經(jīng)典的八個(gè)問(wèn)題 1,Describe an instance where you set your sights on a high/demanding goal andsaw it though completion.請(qǐng)你舉一個(gè)具體的例子,說(shuō)明你是如何設(shè)定一個(gè)目標(biāo)然后達(dá)到它的。 Situation: As a Campus Intern Manager of the Guangzhou Haobo Science Ltd. ,which was one of the top 5 Korea LG franchisers in Guangzhou Pacific Computer Town,I had to initiate marketingstrategy to exploit the huge potential computer market in the College Town.(October 1, 2004- May 1, 2007) The demanding goal:In spite of intense competition among the PC companies,I had to make our business beprofitable . Actions I took with a team: 1.Recruited many freshmen as part-timers via distributing leaflets,and set up a PC agent teamcalled“E-mart”involving 85 members; 2.Trained our team members with business sense of PC industry, selling skills and promotionskills, which Iobtained from my part-time experience; 3.Cultivated our team culture such as “Five-heart standard service”,including Patience,Caring,Passion,Perseverance and Attention,which were the important charactersin sales; 4.Led our team members to promote IT products through oral persuasion,attractive advertising andexquisite leaflets. Result and learning:We build up the core competence of E-mart and achieved RMB 500,000 in sales per year.Moreover,E-mart became a trust mark in theCollege Town.I developedthe sense of Brand Management as well. 2、Summarize asituation where you took the initiative to get others on an important task orissue, and played a leading role to achieve the results you wanted.請(qǐng)舉例說(shuō)明你在一項(xiàng)團(tuán)隊(duì)活動(dòng)中如何采取主動(dòng)性,并且起到領(lǐng)導(dǎo)者的作用,最終獲得你所希望的結(jié)果。 Situation:As a leaguebranch secretary in my sophomore year,I led our league branch to win a title “Red Flag League Branch ofSun Yet-sen University”.What’s more,I was awarded “Excellent Student Leader”selected out of 185candidates.That wasregarded as my most honorable act in university.(September 1, 2005- September 1, 2006) Target: to design a feature activity which was regarded as our brand activity. Actions I took: In charge of our feature activity “Bicycle Trip around the College Town”,I had to deal with the pressurefrom study,myclassmates’ disinterest to join in,and my role as the leader of the whole activity.Planning and operating were reallyimportant.First,in order to organize a performanceteam and make it operate effectively,I observed everyone in our class and then distributed theappropriate work to him or her.Second,since eachmember was busy with study,the trip schedule should be reasonable and periodic.All team members cooperated welldue to the low frequency and short time of the preparation.Third,I motivated our team members to come up with creative ideas,which would make our Bicycle Tripmore attractive. Result and learning:I emphasized the value of time and motivated our team members to actwith team-spirit.Finally,our performance was very successfuland our classmates satisfied with the trip.Furthermore,“Bicycle Trip around the College Town”became the brand activity ofour class!That was mymost honorable thing in university! 3、Describe asituation where you had seek out relevant information, define key issues, anddecide on which steps to take to get the desired results.請(qǐng)你描述一種情形,在這種情形中你必須去尋找相關(guān)的信息,發(fā)現(xiàn)關(guān)鍵的問(wèn)題并且自己決定依照一些步驟來(lái)獲得期望的結(jié)果。 Situation: As a summer intern in marketing department of Guangdong DevelopmentBank,I assistedour account manager to exploit the POS Machine market. (July 10th, 2006-October31th, 2006 ) The difficulty and the decision I had to make:At the beginning,it was inefficient for me to do a face-to face persuasion due to alot of time spent on traffic. I only cultivated 5 clients in the first 10 days.That difficult condition tested meboth mentally and physically,and I was forced to make a decision-changed the face-to-facepersuasion to the telephone-marketing,which didn’t take me a lot of time on traffic and also saved thecarfare cost. How I arrived the decision: However,our accountmanager questioned my decision at first.In order to prove that my decision was workable,I analyzed the weakness andstrengths between face-to-face and tel-marketing.In addition,I persuaded our manager to attempt the new method and he agreed. 1.Listed our target clients:the owners of beauty salon,eyeglasses shop,fashion shop,etc. 2.Collected their phone numbers via their billboard and yellow pages on web; 3.Persuaded the clients to install POS Machine by ringing them up. Result and learning:My decision was workable and I had cultivated 32 clientssuccessfully.Thatexperience helped me improve my analyzing skills and executive capability. 4、Describe aninstance where you made effective use of facts to secure the agreement ofothers.請(qǐng)你舉例說(shuō)明你是怎樣通過(guò)事實(shí)來(lái)使他人達(dá)成一致的。 Situation: As a project intern in HR department of Motorola China,I was involved in a team to assistour account manager to visit MOTO brand shops in Guangzhou and do aninvestigation as well. (October 10th, 2006-December 31th, 2006 ) The target: to know the working efficiency about the mobile phone sellers The different points of views and how I acted: At the beginning,it wasinefficient for us to do a face-to face talk for the reason that the sellersresponded so indifferently and busy with their work. We only finished 12questionnaires in the first 2 days.That difficult condition tested our team members both mentally andphysically,and I wasforced to come up with an idea——-changed our role to be consumers,which may attract the sellers andcould experience their real services which contributed to our investigation. How I arrived the decision: However,other membersas well as our account manager questioned my idea at first.In order to prove that my advicewas workable,I analyzedthe weakness and strengths between face-to-face and tel-marketing.In addition,I persuaded our manager to attemptthe new method and he agreed.Besides, I promoted my ideas in our team. Result and learning:My idea was workable and our team had finished 126 questionnairessuccessfully.Thatexperience helped me improve my analyzing skills and executive capability. 5、Give anexample of how you worked effectively with people to accomplish an importantresult.請(qǐng)你舉例說(shuō)明在完成一項(xiàng)重要的任務(wù)時(shí),你是怎樣和他人進(jìn)行有效的合作的。 Situation:Every yearwhen the new semester comes, a ceremonious welcoming party is held in ourcollege. As a league branch secretary in my sophomore year and also the leaderof this activity,I wasauthorized to design a feature show which can describe our daily life incampus.(September 15th,2006) ( via: unus.cn ) How I performed : Design-I cooperated with my colleagues to figure out the climax of theperformance, the musical accompaniment and the whole arrangement of process. Rehearsal-I worked together with those who were in charge of the lighting,music and scenes to create perfect artistic effect. On stage: I reminded my fellows with gestures and eyes contact. In addition, wecoped with an emergency coherently. Result and learning: Our team was praised highly and I was practiced to drivedifferent people, who have diverging opinions to proceed together to the samegoal. 6、Describe acreative/innovative idea that you produced which led to a significantcontribution to the success of an activity or project.請(qǐng)你舉例說(shuō)明你的一項(xiàng)有創(chuàng)意的建議曾經(jīng)對(duì)一項(xiàng)計(jì)劃的成功起到重要的作用。 1,At the very first beginning of my Career Development Training Lectures, I wascriticized by some of my audients that my lecture was lack of demonstration andinteraction.I felt soupset at first and came to realize that there must be something should be doneto make my speeches attractive. 2,When I taught the part of “How to success in an interview?”, I invited the audients to playthe roles of interviewees and interviewers.After the performance,I commented on their advantages and disadvantages in their actdrolly,only to makethe audients burst into laughs and meanwhile easily understood the reason whythey failed in interviews. 3,In order to improve demonstration during my lectures,I always showed some interestingpictures which helped the audients understand that confidence,eye-contact,good posture and clearcommunication were essential in a successful interview.During these times,more and more students came to mylectures and highly praised me. Another case: Situation: I took part in Guangzhou Haobo Science Ltd as a part-time seller.Traditionally,our customers with differentcharacters were treated in the same way,which was unreasonable in sales.Thereby,we sellers failed in promotion sometimes.(October 1, 2004) The most creative idea:However,I was longing to explore a new method and was attracted by an ideathat I could use 4 figures in《Record of a journey to the west》to represent 4 kinds of customers with different characters.According to the customers’behavior I sorted out 4 kinds of customers and also offered the different waysto persuade them to consume ,as follows: Customers—-Character——How to persuade him or her to buy PC The monkey king——aggressive——Use your mind to reform him or her The pig monk——lively——Use your words to lead him or her The sha monk——frank——-Use your heart to serve him or her The tang monk——-wise——-Use your passion to urge him or her Result and learning: My ideas was recommended in the company and I got thepraise from my boss.What ‘s more,I learned how to consider one thing in another different side. 7、Provide anexample of how you assessed a situation and achieved good results by focusingon the most important priorities.請(qǐng)你舉例說(shuō)明你怎樣對(duì)你所在的環(huán)境進(jìn)行一個(gè)評(píng)估,并且將注意力集中在最重要的事情上以便獲得你所期望的結(jié)果。 Tough situation: As a vice president of Microsoft Technology Club in my sophomore year,I was asked by our president tofire out one club member who performed negatively and demonstrate neitherintegrity nor loyalty. In front of disclosing the information to other members,I felt terribly uncomfortable for the reason that it may really beat the moraleof our team. (May 1, 2006- May 1, 2007) Reaction: 1,I didn’t disclose the primary information. Without any hesitation, I communicated with our presidentand emphasized the bad influence if we did it. Besides, I initiated anothersolution that we should identified what happened firstly and gave that memberone more opportunity to contribute his talent to our club. Finally,our president agreed. 2,On the otherhand,I talked withthat member and played as an excellent listener,only to find that his oversea education schedule make him benegative and distracted his passion. In order to come to a mutual-win situation,I persuaded him to retreat from ourteam and he consented. 3,Lastly,I organized a interestingconference and issued the news about the retreat. What’s more,all the team members sang a songfor him and made him a sincere wish. He felt so moved that he apologized forhis faults. Mutual-win result: Effective communication prevented a disaster and the morale of our teamremained active. 8、Provide anexample of how you acquired technical skills and converted them to practicalapplication.請(qǐng)你舉例說(shuō)明你是怎么樣學(xué)習(xí)一門(mén)技術(shù)并且將他應(yīng)用到實(shí)際工作中的。 Situation: Germany TüV Rheinland Corporation provided Instrument TestingService for clients. As a summer intern in sales department of Germany TüVRheinland Greater China,I assisted our manager to expand the potential market. (July 2nd, 2007-September 1st, 2007) The difficulty and the actions I had to take: At the very beginning,it was inefficient for me to do a cold-call for the reason that thereceptionists were so coldhearted that I failed in getting through him/her totalk to the key person who could make a purchasing decision. That difficultcondition tested me both mentally and physically,and I was forced to acquire other skills. The technical skills: I surfed the internet to search the new solution tosucceed in cold-call and lastly found a lot of useful methods. For example, Iwas taught to speak English to get through the receptionists who dared not tobe indifferent in front of a foreign call. Needless to say, it was reallyworkable when I put what I had learnt into practices. Result: I had cultivated 20 clients successfully. |
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